Translator in Residence

Since 2002, the Kunststiftung NRW has been supporting a ‘Translator in Residence’ (TIR) at the EÜK in Straelen, which means that translators from different language backgrounds take turns to be in residence on a three-monthly basis.

The aim of the TIR model is to further strengthen the significance and reputation of literary translators in terms of the cross-border communication of culture and literature and to emphasise their importance as bridge-builders between cultures.

Translators from different language backgrounds and specialising in different literary genres provide an insight into the work of literary translation through readings and lectures and also offer practical exercises and workshops in schools and for the public.

The Translators in Residence are appointed annually in autumn by the Europäisches Übersetzer-Kollegium. Enquiries or arrangements for TIR events are made directly via the EÜK.